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How to Add a New Job Type and Job Title in Recruitly


To Add New Job Types in Recruitly, Follow These Steps:

  1. Click on your user icon located at the top right corner of the screen and navigate to the "System Configuration" section or click below.

  2. Click on the "Master Data" tab, then scroll down to the ATS section to find "Job Types."

  3. Click on "+ New Job Type" to add new job types.

  4. In the "New Job Type" dialogue box, enter the "Job Name" and select the job type from the drop-down options: Permanent, Contract, or Temporary. Click "Save" to save the job type.

To Add New Job Types in Recruitly, Follow these Steps:

  1. Click on your user icon located at the top right corner of the screen and navigate to the "System Configuration" section or click below.

  2. Click on the "Master Data" tab, and then in the "General" section, select "Job Titles."

  3. Click on "+New Job Title" to add new job titles.

  4. Enter your preferred job title in the "New Job Title" dialogue box, then click on "Save" to save it.


You can add bulk job titles by comma separated for ex. Developer, Tester
OR by Line Separated

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