LinkedIn Chrome Extension
Recruitly’s LinkedIn Chrome Extension allows you to generate leads, source candidates and create contact records directly from LinkedIn into your Recruitly database.
How to install Chrome Extension?
Follow this guide to install and activate the extension: Recruitly LinkedIn Chrome Extension
Here are a few features of the Recruitly Chrome Extension:
It supports LinkedIn FREE, LinkedIn Recruiter Lite, LinkedIn Recruiter Pro and LinkedIn Sales Navigator subscriptions.
It doesn’t use your LinkedIn allowance - so there is no limit on how many records you can add using the extension. But watch out for the no. of profiles you view per day, LinkedIn might introduce/already have limits on that too.
You can directly add leads, contacts or candidates from LinkedIn to your Recruitly database with one click.
You can add/edit details about the person you’re adding while on LinkedIn itself.
You can add notes and reminders, for example, to call the candidate or drop an introductory mail to the lead.
You can directly add the lead/candidate to the Pipeline via the Extension.
The Chrome Extension also notifies you in case the person is already in your Recruitly database.
Even if the individual you're attempting to add is already a candidate in your system, you can still add them as a lead/contact.