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Why are My Jobs Not Receiving Applications on Indeed?

Indeed free Jobs drop in the search rankings over time. This is where you can use Indeed Sponsored Jobs to keep your Job listing on top of the search results to receive more applications and high-quality applicants.
How does it work?

As per Indeed, when posting a job, you will have the option to sponsor it after you provide job details, including title, description, and location. To help you decide how much to spend, an estimator tool next to the budget field will give you an idea of how many applications you can expect. This estimate is based on the performance of jobs like yours and only appears if we have enough data to provide an estimate. A higher budget will generally attract more applications for your job.

Ideal daily spending depends on the kind of job that you are offering, including job location and how quickly the position needs to be filled.

Do you have 60 days to hire or do you need someone next week?
Does the job require common skills that many candidates would have or are you looking for particular qualifications and specialized skills?

Indeed gives you enough flexibility to tailor your spending to find the right candidates within your timeframe. Increase budgets if you want more applications or reduce budgets if you’re receiving too many.

How do I post sponsored Jobs to Indeed via Recruitly?
  1. Navigate to the "Jobs" section within the "Recruiting" module, select your desired job, and open its detailed view.​

  2. Click on the "Job Boards" button at the top right, then select "Post to job board."

  3. Click on the "Publish" button next to "Indeed."

  4. Review all job details and mandatory fields. Scroll down to " Posting Package", toggle it ON, and set your desired budget amount.

  5. Select an expiry date and click on "Advertise" to complete the job posting process.

It is really important to provide an expiry date. If your expiry date is set up for a month from now, the budget will be spread across like that. For example, if your budget is 300 pounds, Indeed will make sure it does not increase the budget in 30 days. Please learn more about Sponsored Pricing here.

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