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How to Terminate an Email Sequence After a Response to the First Email?


Recruitly offers a convenient feature that allows you to automatically terminate an email sequence when a recipient responds to the initial email. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to enable this time-saving feature.


You have created a Sequence by following the instructions in this help article: Create Sequences

Steps to enable the "terminate sequence" feature:
  1. Click on the "Automation" tab located among the main tabs at the top left of the screen, then choose "Sequences" from the drop-down menu or click below

  2. Select an existing email sequence by clicking on the sequence's hyperlink

  3. In the following page, click on "Edit Sequence"

  4. Toggle on the option for "After a reply, terminate sequence for the member"

  5. Click on "Save Sequence" to save and update the sequence

By enabling the "After a reply, terminate sequence for the member" option, the email sequence will automatically end when a contact responds to the initial email. This ensures a seamless and efficient communication process.
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