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Executive Reports: Template Design


Recruitly scans your presentation templates to find special placeholders that you can replace with actual data. Here are the that you can use:

1. For displaying single fields:


2. For displaying reviews:


3. For displaying custom field data:


4. To display the candidates list in a table:


5. To display the candidates list with filters or conditions:

i. Recommended candidates: #{{candrec = candidates|filter( != false)}}


ii. Not Recommended candidates: #{{candnotrec = candidates|filter( != true)}}


These points are mentioned above regarding the display codes for recommended and non-recommended candidates. However, these can be altered as per your requirements. Here's a break down of the code for you and here's an example of how you can modify it to fit your criteria.

Breakdown of the code: Not Recommended Candidates

candnotrec = candidates|filter: This means you are filtering the criteria from the candidate pool. You are filtering out the not recommended candidates from the candidate list.

( != true): This is the code that specifies the condition for filtering. It checks whether the candidates are not recommended (i.e., not true).

Understanding and adjusting this code allows you to customize the filtering criteria according to your needs.

To filter candidates based on gender, you can adjust the code as follows:

For example, to filter male candidates:

#{{maleCandidates = candidates|filter(value.gender == 'Male')}}

maleCandidates = candidates|filter: This indicates that you are filtering the criteria from the candidate pool to get male candidates.

(value.gender == 'Male'): This is the condition for filtering, which checks whether the candidate's gender is 'Male'.

You can modify the gender value to filter other genders as needed. For example, to filter female candidates, you would use:

#{{femaleCandidates = candidates|filter(value.gender == 'Female')}}

Similarly, you can apply this approach to different scenarios according to your requirements.
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