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Job Bulk Posting


Facilitate seamless job distribution with Recruitly by efficiently posting to multiple job boards directly from your account.

Follow the step-by-step guide below to streamline your job posting process:
  1. Navigate to the "Jobs" section within "Recruiting"

  2. Click on the specific Job you wish to post, and the corresponding Job card will open.

  3. Click on the "Job Boards" button at the top right, then select "Bulk post to job boards." Here, you will find the option to publish jobs on various job boards that you are connected to.

  4. Select the corresponding checkboxes next to the relevant Job Boards. Once you have made your selection, click on the "Next" button to proceed.

  5. Complete the mandatory fields denoted by [*] to ensure the accuracy of the data being posted. Verify all details before moving forward. Click on the "Publish Job Ad" button to finalize the job posting process.

  6. Once the job is published, efficiently manage all your adverts through the "Job Ad Multiposting" section: Job Advert List

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