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How to integrate a job board theme for an Iframe/Wix website?


This guide will help users seamlessly integrate a job board theme into an iframe or Wix website using Recruitly.

Steps to Create a Job Board Theme:
  1. Click on your user icon at the top right corner of the screen and navigate to the "System Configuration" section.

  2. Under the System Settings, locate and click on "Embedded Job Board Themes."  Alternatively, you can use the below link to access the page directly. 

  3. Click on "+New Theme" to initiate the creation of a new job board theme. Configure the necessary fields, and preview options will appear next to the configuration fields.

Iframe Code:

iframe id="recruitlyjoblistingframe" style="width: 98%; border: 0 none; margin: 0 auto; opacity: 1; visibility: visible;"
onload="resizeJobsFrameHeight()" onresize="resizeJobsFrameHeight()" onclick="resizeJobsFrameHeight()"></iframe>
<script> function resizeJobsFrameHeight(){var e=window.addEventListener?"addEventListener":"attachEvent";(0,window[e])("attachEvent"==e?"onmessage":"message",function(e){-1!"recruitlyresize::")&&("recruitlyresize::",""),document.getElementById("recruitlyjoblistingframe").style.height=e+"px")},!1)}

Steps to Integrate with Wix Website:

  1. Log in to your Wix website and select the embed option.

  2. Click on "Edit Code" and choose the "Code" option from the available selections. Copy the iframe code from Recruitly and paste it into the provided code section on your Wix website.

Adjust the width and height according to your website's design and layout.
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