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WordPress Integration Using Short-codes


Recruitly WordPress Plugin provides an easy way to integrate a fully-fledged job board directly into your WordPress Site.

Install Instructions

Please visit this link to obtain API Key For API Server value please talk to us on Live Chat support.

Set-up your job board using short codes:

Recruitly plugin populates a custom post type – you are free to use and render the data the way you want to suit your design. Alternatively, you can also use the default short-codes offered:

WordPress Short-codes:

Job search form:
Displays job search form

[recruitly_job_search target="/YOUR_JOBS_LISTING_PAGE" cssclass="jumbotron padding-20"]

target = Job search results page to navigate to.
cssclass = CSS class you would like to add to the rendered DIV.

Job listing:
Displays jobs, results filtered by the job search form


Job sector widget:
Display a list of jobs for the given sector

[recruitly_job_sector_widget target="/YOUR_JOBS_LISTING_PAGE" sector="aeronautics-and-defence" count=5]

target = Job search results page to navigate to.
sector = Name of the sector, all lowercase separated by a dash.
count = Number of jobs to display.

Recent jobs list:
Display n recent jobs

[recruitly_jobs_recent count=5]

count = Number of jobs to display.

Count of live jobs:
Display count of live jobs


Job recruiter profile picture:
Display profile picture of owner of the job


Job Banner Image:

Showcase the job banner image using the post type featured image or thumbnail image.

Job Detailed Image:

Present the job detailed image using the shortcode:


Job location:
Display job city or region in case of office-based roles. Display job country and remote flag in case of fully remote roles


Job language list:
Displays job languages as a list wrapped in <ul> <li> elements


Job web advert field:
Display any field from Web Advert section of the job

[recruitly_job_web_field fieldname='recruitmentProcess']

Available field names







Custom Styling

You have full control over styling:

Widget Styling

For widgets copy job-sector-widget.php from plugin folder to /your-theme-folder/recruitly/job-sector-widget.php

Job Listing Styling

For job listing copy job-listing.php from plugin folder to /your-theme-folder/recruitly/job-listing.php

Job Search Form Styling

For job search copy job-search-form.php from plugin folder /your-theme-folder/recruitly/job-search-form.php

Recent Jobs Styling

For recent job listing copy job-recent-jobs-widget.php from plugin folder /your-theme-folder/recruitly/job-recent-jobs-widget.php

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