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How to Restrict Users From Viewing Company Billings?


As a recruiter, you hold the power to control access to sensitive data such as company placements, billings, commissions, and revenue for your team members. Our platform offers placement widgets and a comprehensive growth dashboard, allowing for detailed insights. However, you can customize access permissions to ensure that each user only sees their own data rather than the entire team's.

To restrict access and enable users to view only their data, follow these steps:

  • Go to "System Configuration" when you click on your profile

Or, you can click here

  • Select "User Management" under the "System Settings" section

  • Locate the user you wish to restrict and click on "Actions" and choose "Edit User"

  • In the window that pop-up, scroll to the "Modules" section and click on the cross mark next to the "Billing" option

  • Click on "Save" on the top right corner of the pop-up

These are the specific areas where data access will be restricted:

Widgets: Users will have access only to their data in widgets such as the user Placement billing chart, Placement billing forecast, and Placement value metrics.

Growth Dashboard: Users will see only their name and data in sections like top billers and leaderboards.

By following the steps outlined above in system configuration and user management, you can effectively restrict access and empower users to focus on their Individual metrics while safeguarding sensitive company information.

Access denied
Access denied