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How to customise the layout / structure of Recruitly AI CV?


In this tutorial, let's look at using Recruitly AI CV to make changes to the structure / format of the CV. As a recruiter, you might want to make changes to the structure or format of a speculative CV to highlight the most relevant skills and achievements of your candidate. By making these small changes to the layout you can highlight industry-specific expertise or key accomplishments that a potential employer may find valuable. A well-structured CV also improves readability, making it easier for hiring managers to quickly see the fields that they might find useful.

Here's how you can update the layout / structure of Recruitly AI CV

  1. Once you've accessed the desired candidate's card, click on "AI Editor"

  2. You can click on the pie diagram to access the AI Editor Usage side bar​

  3. Navigate to the CV Rewrite section where you can see the default structure that the AI formats the CV with. Specify the changes that you'd like the AI to consider while Rewriting the CV

  4. Once you've entered the prompts that you'd like the AI to consider, click on "Update"

  5. Once the settings have been updated, click on "Rewrite" and the AI will format the CV to your specifications

With the steps outlined in this article, you can now start to make changes to the structure of your CVs with the help of Recruitly AI. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Recruitly Support and we'd be more than happy to help you. Happy Recruiting!

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